Monday, January 19, 2009

crying? BIRTHDAYS??

Who crys on their own birthday? *raises hand*
First, at school, and three of my teachers had to come over to talk to me. Mental, I know. Then when my friends came over, I cried not once, but twice and if i wasn't crazy enough, i cried again when my relatives came over yesterday. I need a therapist. Anyone
know any good ones? ....I really hope u dont....
Heart shaped sugar cookies are addicting

short post i know but i dont feel like writing more

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Umm....hi. Of course, im here cuz of christine, same thing happened with club penguin (yes, club penguin) and the time we went to cvs in the FREEZING cold when it was windy and raining and FREEZING COLD. We only had one pair of gloves and our pants got soaked. Im shivering just thinking bout it. AHH! shiver attack...........AHH! there goes one again.
Guess whos birthday it is in 2 days. I know that since im the one asking, u directly assume its mine. Well, dont assume its mine cuz it not mine unless u assume its mine then it still wont be mine cuz u assumed it.
Im making cupcakes tomoro.